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Wed, 28 May 2008
The Donnas live (oh and some Melbourne Bands) - 18:58
Last night at the ANU Bar
The Donnas played as
support for Kisschasy, the first support act of the night was The Getaway
Plan. As you may already be able to tell, I like The Donnas, they put together
some great modern catchy rock tunes. The Donnas set really did rock out the
venue in my opinion, however The Getaway Plan were a bit heavy and a bit
grungy sounding and not something I would listen to more of. The same sort of
applies to Kisschasy, I had not knowingly listened to them until last
night. After the gig was over I realised I have heard some of their songs on
JJJ and around the place.
Still it was a reasonably good evening out and it is healthy for me to expand
my music horizons from time to time. On an entertainment note I am however
looking forward to next Tuesday night a lot more, I am going to see Keating
the Musical, which should be highly entertaining and a lot of fun.
The worst thing about the entire evening was how late it ran and how slow
things moved between sets. In the past I have been to gigs in Sydney and other
places where the doors open at a given time, I thought I could leave it a
little while and still see the first act. This has caught me out some times,
and I have missed half sets or entire sets a few times. Thus with the tickets
saying the doors opened at 7pm, I was worried last night we would miss
something when we rocked up at 7:40pm. This did not happen, instead they had
us all outside in the thick cigarette smoke (alas people are still allowed to
smoke outside in crowds) until the line started moving a little bit at
8pm. The first act played at 8:30pm, finished by 9pm and then there was over
half an hour of getting bored (or drunk in many cases there it seems) until
The Donnas came on just before 9:40pm. There was another really long break
between before Kisschasy also, we ended up going over and sitting down near
the pool tables while we waited.
Yet another sign I may work with computers - 18:26

How many lcds is too many? (Full Size)
I noticed this is likely a sure sign I work with computers or am a geek today,
in my office I had 5 lcds displaying something. Admittedly the two on the
right are showing the same thing on a dual head computer doing an install
without configuring the dual heads.
Sort of reminiscent of Jon's
experiment in the office a while back (though not as cool). On a side
note I am writing this post on the new laptop, the first time I have written a
post on it. I must say the keyboard is awfully nice to type on.
On the whole most things work really well, which is impressive, not much
configuring or mucking around and things just work, Linux really is improving
all the time toward a better desktop experience. I am trialling using a normal
default Gnome environment and so far it seems to be going well.
My biggest annoyance is probably the nvidia graphics card, that I can not yet
use xrandr 1.2 stuff to do funky things with x output from within X and a few
other problems (apart from the most basic problem of it being closed source
crap). Next I need to work out how to enable vga output to projectors to be
on all the time and a 1600x1050 output to a screen at home to watch dvds and
such on.
When I tried to set up a 32 bit chroot yesterday debootstrap failed so I need
to hunt down the reason for that if I want to be able to see flash (more
closed source crap) videos. Still I like this new toy, infact I will be
leaving my old laptop at work when I go home in a few minutes as this seems
capable of doing everything I need in a laptop configuration wise already.